Our Story

The Current > Our Story

Our Story

Founded by a natural wanderer with a love for seafood, travel, baseball, beverages, and the Northeast coast.

Mike Smith's connection to seafood began as a kid growing up in Maryland and New Jersey, and later extended to Portland, Maine, while working for The Shipyard Brewing Co. These experiences have woven a rich tapestry of treasured family moments, a passion for seafood, and an affinity for the coastal lifestyle.

Mike is an accomplished restaurateur with a diverse background in both corporate and private operations. His expertise includes developing and managing iconic local brands, as well as working in Chicago, New York City, and Maine.  Driven by a passion for creating unique dining/drinking destinations, Mike delivers concepts that set new standards and creates new niches in the industry.

“Friends in the Northeast, specifically New England, eat seafood multiple times a week, rather than once a month while at the beach or at a celebration (as we tend to do down here). It’s more of an everyday food, casual and approachable, and I’m trying to bring that mindset to Central Florida.”

Mike Smith